Home » News » Opportunity for Sixth Grade Students: Apply for a Scholarship to Study at Oliver Scholars Program

Opportunity for Sixth Grade Students: Apply for a Scholarship to Study at Oliver Scholars Program

If you are a sixth grade student, or your child is, the Oliver Scholars program offers you the opportunity to continue your studies at a prestigious private school, completely free.

Mark Hall, head of admissions at Oliver Scholars, explains that each student must apply or nominate themselves for a place before entering seventh grade. However, it is not a scholarship for everyone, but for students who truly excel in their academic responsibilities.

Students born in the United States, as well as Hispanics, young people of color and low-income students, can qualify for the benefit, regardless of the school you come from.

There are a total of 75 places available and applications will be open until January 14, 2024.

“It’s super competitive. Many of our kids have scores in the 90s and above in school and scored 600 or higher on state tests,” noted Mark Hall.

How to nominate yourself for a scholarship to study at an Oliver Scholars school

The main requirement is that you be a sixth grade student, outstanding, proactive and with excellent grades. To apply for an Oliver Scholars scholarship, Click here.

You will need to complete a form that includes the nominator’s personal information, date of your nomination (important), the school you are currently studying at, and the type of representative or nominator.

It is also required that the district to which you belong and in the end you must provide your personal information, that is, that of the student applying for a scholarship.

When you’re done, check all the data again and click “submit” to submit it.

If you have questions about the process, Click here and look at the bottom of the page for the frequently asked questions section. You can also contact the program via email and subscribe to the newsletter.

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2023-10-30 20:11:00

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