Jakarta –
Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) has questioned 6 constitutional judges regarding alleged ethical violations. MKMK said that his party had complete evidence.
“I already told you at the trial. We are actually complete, the evidence is complete, but we can’t avoid holding a trial,” said MKMK Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (1/11/ 2023).
Jimly said there were still many internal problems at the Constitutional Court that needed to be addressed. He hopes that constitutional judges will have independence.
“In terms of internal problems, this is a wider problem than decision number 90. There are many internal problems in the Constitutional Court, which must be resolved among the 9 judges. Our hope, especially as the founding chairman, is that we advise that the nine must have their own independence- “I’m the 9 myself,” he said.
As is known, the MKMK has carried out investigations into a number of people who reported alleged violations of the code of ethics for constitutional judges. MKMK has also questioned Anwar Usman and other constitutional judges, namely Arief Hidayat, Enny Nurbaningsih, Saldi Isra, Manahan Sitompul and Suhartoyo regarding this.
They were questioned regarding the decision that was read out on October 16, namely the decision regarding the lawsuit for a judicial review of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections regarding the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates. As is known, the decision decided that presidential and vice-presidential candidates under 40 years of age could run for presidential elections as long as they had experience as regional heads.
2023-11-01 16:39:59
#MKMK #Complete #Evidence #Alleged #Ethics #Violations #Judges