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Men and Women: Violent Argument and Throne Abandonment on the Latest Episode

In the episode of Men and Women, broadcast today on Canale5, Roberta Di Padua and Aurora Tropea were the protagonists of a violent argument in the studio. Manuela Carriero abandons the throne.

Today at Men and womenwe start again from throne over and from the judgments of Roberta Di Padua e Barbara De Santi on the men’s parterre. Start one violent argument between both dame e Aurora Tropea. Hermes he is placed on the grill by two ladies from the parterre. Silvio e Donatella they end their relationship permanently. Space for classic throne with the final farewell of Manuela Carriero and the final confrontation with her former suitors.

Men and Women, Roberta Di Padua and Aurora Tropea almost coming to blows in the studio!

Maria De Filippihost of the dating show of Canale5 branded Mediasethe asks the two ladies of the throne over what type their ideal man should be and what age he should be: Barbara she replies that for her we are talking about a target of 45 to 55/60, however Robertaas the commentators also joke, the target is lowered, but suddenly it responds Aurora Tropeawhich violently attacks the two ladiescalling Roberta a rude person and shouting that she is better than them. Roberta he angrily gets up from his chair and approaches Tropea with a threatening air, warning her not to try to provoke her. Both commentators advise her not to fall into her trap, because Aurora she is disappointed by the end of the relationship with Marco, who was kicked out of the studio after his relationship with the lady ended. Aurora continues to scream and accuse the two ladies and Gianni that they are evil and that she is superior to them.

Maria he interrupts the discussion and asks the two ladies sitting in the study center again if there are particular characteristics that their ideal men should have: they both reply that they would like a generous and enterprising man, someone who manages to surprise them and shows them interest. Roberta she adds that as much as she may like the aesthetics, then, if there is nothing else, then after a while it will pass and names the case of Hermes. The knight ends up at the center of the discussion because several ladies of the parterre, Asmaa e Manuela, they reveal that the knight behaved absurdly with them, asking for their number, but then disappearing after a few sterile conversations and an inconclusive date. In the end, Maria asks to Roberta e Barbara with whom new knights would like to dance and while Roberta sits down, Barbara decides to dance with Alessio M.one of the new arrivals.

After the dance, he sits down at the study center Silvioto reveal the last part of the story with Donatella: in a production clip, it seemed that the two had made peace, but in the studio, the knight he reveals that everything is over between him and Donatella. Venturato reveals that the lady’s situation is very difficult, from an economic point of view, and in the end they both decided to let it go, by mutual agreement. The lady enters the studio and admits that she was very happy with him, but that there are also logistical problems, such as the knight’s lack of a place to live, which caused a breakup. The knight seems to want to say something else, but he prefers to remain silent and let the lady finish without interrupting her. Silvio intervenes and specifies that he currently lives at a friend’s house, but he has no problem finding a home wherever he wantsbut that there have been various types of issues between them that certainly don’t concern where to live. The knight would like to live a quiet life with a woman who doesn’t only look good on the show, but also outside. In the end, Donatella say hello Silvio and runs to hug Gemmawith whom he has established a cordial relationship and they exchange nice words.

Surprisingly, Maria reveals that there is a lady for Silvio and an old transmission acquaintance enters: Gabriella. The latter had left the program together with a knight, but apparently she didn’t go well between them. Since when he entered the parterre, Silvio he was just there to Gemma, the lady did not want to interfere, but she always found the knight attractive. In the end, Silvio decides to let her stay.

Men and Women, Manuela Carriero abandons the throne!

We move on to classic throne and the landlady reveals that we need to talk about Manuelathrowing a real bomb: will leave the throne Today. In a summary video, we see the last moments that concerned her story, from Michele’s farewell at the behest of the tronista to the disappointment of Carlo for his behavior. A second video shows the last external between Carlo and Manuelain which the suitor never stops reminding the tronista that Michele treated her like a doormat and she is not the woman he is looking for if she allows it.

The tone between the two becomes very heated, so much so that the suitor threatens to leave and only after a while the two embrace, but Maria reveals that After this recording Carlo was never heard from again. Surprisingly, Michele he wrote to the editorial staff, asking to see Manuela to deliver a letter written for you. A new video shows the former suitor and the tronista meeting and Michele he gives her a letter, but makes her understand that he is not back for a second chance. A final video shows an unexpected twist: the editorial staff informs Manuela that Carlo has definitively eliminated himself and he is no longer interested in meeting her. But the tronista asks for at least one last confrontation with Carlo and Michele. In the studio, Gianni he asks the tronista the reason behind this comparison and Manuela he replies that he wants to ask the two former suitors the reasons for their behavior, why now she’s really mad at both of them. The comparison with Michele does not lead to anything new: the boy reiterates that, however attractive, the tronista has a character that did not stimulate him. The tronista continues to maintain that this is not the case, but that behind her choice there is a lack of interest. Michele he apologizes to her for making her feel wrong, but it’s not a fault not to be interested in her, nor vice versa.

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2023-10-30 15:05:00
#Men #Women #Roberta #Padua #Aurora #Tropea #violent #quarrel #Manuela #Carriero #goodbye #throne #VIDEO

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