Home » Health » Beware of False Information: Debunking the 9 Warning Signs of Hyperthyroidism

Beware of False Information: Debunking the 9 Warning Signs of Hyperthyroidism

As there is a persuasive message about the story 9 warning signs of hyperthyroidism The Anti-Fake News Center has checked the facts with Rajavithi Hospital, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health. It was found that such issues is false information

From the case where there is a message stating 9 warning signs of hyperthyroidism. Rajavithi Hospital, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health Has checked the information and clarified that Symptoms of thyroid toxicity Must be diagnosed by a thyroid blood test to confirm. Is it a disease? which does not rely on just one symptom For treatment, you must see a doctor in order to receive a correct diagnosis and treatment. and must be continuously monitored for symptoms and blood test results

There are many methods of treatment. For example, treatment with anti-thyroid drugs is just one way. The medicine may have severe side effects. Although it is rare, it should be under the supervision of a doctor. And it is not recommended to buy medicine to take by yourself.

Therefore, people are requested not to believe such information. and ask for cooperation not to send or share such information on various social media channels and for the public to receive information from Rajavithi Hospital, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health Can be tracked at the website www.rajavithi.go.th or call 02-206-2900

The summary of this story is: The 9 signs above do not directly identify the thyroid. It must be diagnosed by a thyroid blood test to confirm the disease. And there are many methods of treatment, you should consult your doctor directly. And it is not recommended to buy medicine to take by yourself.

2023-10-29 08:00:21

#Fake #news #dont #share #warning #signs #hyperthyroidism #AntiFake #News #Center

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