Recently introduced by Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite Its processor made a lot of noise. Windows PC manufacturers also show great interest in the processor, which promises much better performance and efficiency than its competitors.
HP, Lenovo, Asus, Dell, Acer, Honor, Microsoft, Samsung ve Xiaomi It was stated that manufacturers such as will develop laptops using Snapdragon X Elite.
For now, software compatibility seems to be the biggest problem. Therefore Qualcomm BlackMagic Design ve Davinci Resolve He announced that they will develop ARM compatible software with software partners such as. mid 2024 same time as the upcoming processor Windows’un ARM version will also be on the market.
Additionally, Davinci Resolve has a 12-core processor with integrated GPU as standard on the new processor. 1.7x faster than x86 CPUs will work and the Neural Processing Unit (NPU) will also 3 times faster It was announced that it would happen.
(Updated: 28.10.2023, 00:45)
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2023-10-27 18:45:00
#manufacturers #show #great #interest #Snapdragon #Elite #Laptops