RADAR JOGJA – Scientists have discovered ancient river-shaped landscapes beneath the Antarctic ice, providing valuable insight into the long-term stability of the ice sheet and its response to climate change.
Reporting from voi, this area is predicted to exist until finally glaciers cover the entire continent.
Previously, findings showed that the land buried beneath this layer of ice had been eroded due to the movement of the ice over thousands of years. However, satellite data shows good news.
The region adjacent to the Aurora and Schmidt subglacial basins was detected to have remained almost intact for up to 34 million years.
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The finding of flat satellites also makes scientists more confident in their predictions.
University Geography Professor, Durham Stewart Jamieson, believes that in the past, the poles were landscapes.
However, as time goes by, rivers form above it and flow until finally a layer of ice grows.
Jamieson and a number of colleagues in research in the journal Nature Communication trying to find answers to the presence of ancient landscapes by mapping mounds and troughs on the ice surface that experience changes in elevation.
Their findings show the topography of a small island buried 2 kilometers below the surface and three sections of land separated by a U-shaped valley.
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These rivers are predicted to flow to the beach when the coast begins to open and the landscape begins to freeze over time.
However, the research results cannot yet show whether the landscape has remained the same for 34 million years.
2023-10-27 03:58:00
#Satellite #Data #Discovers #Ancient #Landscapes #Antarctic #Ice #Sheet #Radar #Jogja #Radar #Jogja