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Broccoli vs. Cauliflower: Exploring the Superior Nutritional Content for Cancer Prevention

Broccoli can prevent cancer unlike cauliflower!Understand nutritional differences with one picture

Broccoli is rich in nutrients, such as dietary fiber, vitamin C, beta carotene and the mineral potassium. In addition to preventing cardiovascular disease, it also has anti-cancer effects. It looks similar to cauliflower, but the nutritional content is very different!

Broccoli VS cauliflower, its nutritional content is superior

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(Picture source/Health Editorial Department)

Broccoli and cauliflower look similar in appearance and are both derived from cabbage. Both vegetables are rich in nutritional value, but dark green broccoli is particularly outstanding in vitamin C and beta carotene content.

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Broccoli is one of the most famous vegetables in the cruciferous family. Cruciferous vegetables contain thioglycosides, which have anti-tumor effects. Nutritionist Xiao Ruyu explained that after being decomposed by enzymes in the body, Glucosinolates produce indole, sulforaphane and other derivatives, which can repair cells, fight free radicals, reduce carcinogenic activity, and inhibit tumor formation.

According to a report by the World Cancer Research Fund, consuming non-starchy vegetables such as broccoli can reduce the risk of oral, throat and stomach cancer.

In terms of cooking methods, nutritionist Xiao Ruyu reminds that steaming can better retain the anti-cancer ingredient thioglycosides; if blanching is used, water-soluble vitamin C and potassium are easily lost.

Further reading:

Cauliflower is low in calories!Nutrition has 3 major effects, 3 recipes for cleaning and preserving cauliflower

Are broccoli and cauliflower nutritionally different? What are its effects? How to eat with peace of mind?

※This article is reported by “Health Magazine” with authorization. Reprinting without permission is prohibited. Click here to view the original article

2023-10-25 02:56:14

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