Home » News » Humanitarian Emergency in Morocco: Caritas Española Collaborates with Caritas Morocco

Humanitarian Emergency in Morocco: Caritas Española Collaborates with Caritas Morocco

The general secretary of Cáritas Española, Natalia Peiro, will travel this Saturday to Marrakech to collaborate with Cáritas Morocco in the management of the humanitarian emergency caused by the earthquake that occurred last Friday, September 8. During the visit, the general secretary will be accompanied by Laura SaliesHumanitarian Action reference in the International Cooperation area of ​​Cáritas Española.

After the large earthquake (6.8 on the Richter scale) that severely shook much of the Maghreb country, Cáritas Española activated an emergency campaign to channel the solidarity of citizens and collaborate in the response. Throughout this week, the International Cooperation team has also maintained close contact with Cáritas Morocco to coordinate and mobilize possible support.

The organization’s local teams have traveled these days to Marrakech and the surrounding mountain villages to assess the urgent need for help. After a first assessment of the situation, the local Cáritas has sent the first convoys with electric generators, first-need kits, blankets, clothing, first aid kits and medicines, and food. Cáritas Marrakech has also been in charge of finding accommodation for dozens of sub-Saharans who were left homeless after the destruction of the city.

The most complicated situation is experienced in the mountain towns. “Even before the earthquake, many villages could not be reached by road. Now, the destruction caused by the earthquake is very great, there are many victims and the problem remains how to reach the people,” he explains. Marie Hélène Bellangeonresponsible for Africa in the International Cooperation area of ​​Cáritas Española.

Following the activation of the emergency response by Caritas Internationalis, Cáritas Española has decided to mobilize 30,000 euros to respond to the most basic needs of the population affected by the earthquake. Next week, he is scheduled to join the Cáritas Española team deployed to Morocco Yago Aparicio, member of the Humanitarian Action team. The objective of the presence of these technicians in the field is to join the committee that will support Cáritas Morocco in its institutional strengthening and in the analysis of needs, in order to formulate an emergency response program and future action projects. humanitarian and reconstruction and development.

Cáritas Española has collaborated with Cáritas in Morocco since the 90s. In recent years, specifically, in human mobility projects. The programs launched in recent years aim to welcome migrants in vulnerable situations and offer them assistance and support so that they can exercise their fundamental rights in Morocco.

People who want to collaborate with the Cáritas campaign with Morocco can do so through the website www.caritas.es.

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