The current winner of the Biathlon World Cup, Julia Simon, was arrested in her hometown of Albertville.
Source: AP 2023
French biathlete Julia Simon was placed in custody due to fraud with bank cards. reports leading French sports publication L’Equipe. According to the source, an interrogation will be held soon.
In July 2023, it became known that two statements were written against Simone on charges of credit card fraud. One of them was submitted by a member of the headquarters of the French biathlon team, and the second by Simone’s colleague on the French team, Justine Brezat-Boucher. The damage amounts to one thousand euros.
After this, Simon missed several training camps for the national team.
Julia Simone is a silver medalist at the 2022 Beijing Olympics and a two-time world champion. In the 2022/23 season, the French biathlete won the World Cup in the overall standings.
2023-10-24 15:04:46
#Biathlete #Julia #Simon #detained #fraud #case #Sport