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The Challenge of Single-Use Plastic Evasion: ANPAwaste in Maastricht after Carnival

ANPAwaste in Maastricht after carnival

NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 12:16

Stikkelorum at sea

editor Domestic

Stikkelorum at sea

editor Domestic

Companies are dodging rules designed to reduce the use of single-use plastics. The goals to reduce the amount of plastic litter are therefore in danger of not being achieved, the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) warns in a statement. rapport that is being presented to the House of Representatives today.

Last week, the NOS reported that the inspection, prior to the introduction of the rules, had a negative opinion about their feasibility, feasibility and fraud resistance.

Not illegal

This involves a whole package of rules to encourage the use of reusable packaging, which has been gradually introduced since 2021. In this way, less plastic should end up in litter. Every day we throw away 19 million plastic containers and cups in the Netherlands.

Part of this is the controversial surcharge on disposable plastic containers and cups. The House of Representatives passed a motion last week to abolish that surcharge.

According to the ILT, companies make good use of evasion options in regulations and still focus mainly on disposable packaging. What the companies do is not illegal, but it is undesirable, says the organization responsible for enforcement.

No hard plastic, but soft wrappers

For example, they replace hard plastic packaging, for which supermarkets have to charge a plastic surcharge, with ‘soft’ plastic wrappers. This concerns, for example, single portions of nuts, salad, fruit or snack vegetables.

Furthermore, more and more beverage cartons can be found on the shelves to avoid deposits on cans and small bottles. For producers of juices, syrups, dairy drinks and alcoholic drinks, it is more attractive to use plastic bottles as packaging, because there is no deposit requirement for them. If they can it, they do have to charge a deposit.

Companies also make minimal adjustments to products such as plastic straws, plates and cutlery and then present them as reusable, the inspectorate says. While in practice the use is one-off.

2023-10-24 10:16:25
#container #bag #companies #dodge #rules #singleuse #plastics

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