Jakarta –
General Assembly PBB will meet to discuss the conflict sparked by militant attacks Hamas to Israel. This UN General Assembly meeting was also a response to the failure of the UN Security Council resolution regarding the conflict in Gaza which has killed 4 thousand people.
Reported by AFP, Tuesday (24/10/2023), the UN Security Council has so far failed to agree on a resolution regarding the war. Nevertheless, a number of countries, including Jordan on behalf of the Arab group, Russia, Syria, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Cambodia, officially asked General Assembly President Dennis Francis to schedule a meeting.
Before the General Assembly meets on Thursday at 10:00 local time, the Security Council will meet to discuss the issue. The meeting, which has been planned for a long time, is expected to be attended by several world foreign ministers.
For your information, last week, the UN Security Council, which usually disagrees on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, initially rejected a Russian draft resolution calling for a humanitarian pause. Only five of the 15 member states supported the text, which condemns all violence against civilians and all terrorist acts, but does not mention Hamas by name, which is unacceptable to the United States, Britain and France.
Washington then vetoed the second resolution because it did not recognize Israel’s right to self-defense.
Twelve of the Council’s 15 members voted in favor of the resolution put forward by Brazil, which also condemned the heinous terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas, while Russia and the UK abstained.
The United States was the only country to vote against. However, as one of the body’s five permanent members, their vote counted as a veto.
2023-10-23 19:27:53
#General #Assembly #Meet #Veto #Humanitarian #Pause #Gaza