Bobby held a Guinness World Record, which he received in February of this year. His death was announced by a veterinarian who treated him several times. Bobi lived all his life in Portugal, in the village of Conqueiros. He had three siblings.
The dog’s owner, Leonel Košta, said Bobi lived a peaceful life and grew up in a quiet, peaceful environment. This was probably also the key to his long life. However, shortly before his death, age made itself felt – it was difficult for him to walk and his eyesight gradually deteriorated.
He was not the only long-lived one in his home – his mother lived for 18 years, and another of Koshta’s dogs lived for 22 years. It is not yet known which dog will now inherit Bobi’s record.
2023-10-23 15:56:19
#worlds #oldest #dog #died #age