Nebulization or inhalation therapy is not useful for acute upper respiratory tract infections or above the chest cavity such as colds or flu, according to health expert from RSCM Prof Dr dr Bambang Supriyatno, Sp.A(K).
A cold is a common viral infection that attacks the nose and throat. This condition is usually harmless and symptoms usually resolve within two weeks.
“What is wrong is that all coughs are given nebu. If the cough is due to an upper respiratory tract infection or an acute infection of the upper part, outside the chest cavity such as a cold, flu, then nebu is of no use at all,” he said in a discussion broadcast online, Monday.
However, according to Bambang, inhalation can be useful for diseases such as asthma, inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, or in the chest cavity.
“But with pneumonia, there’s no need to vaporize pneumonia. But if it’s asthma or lung inflammation caused by a virus, there may be benefits from nebulization,” he explained.
Inhalation therapy is a method of administering drugs by inhalation into the respiratory tract. This method converts medication in liquid form into aerosol form so that it is easy to inhale and enter the respiratory tract.
Some health experts think that providing this therapy is quite beneficial, but others think it is not. Research regarding the administration of inhaled budesonide for bronchiolitis or respiratory infections was not significantly different from placebo.
Bambang said that children who have coughs and colds but can sleep comfortably, can eat and drink well, are still gaining weight and are still active, do not need treatment except external medicine such as balm or nasal lozenge.
Children also don’t need antibiotics because as many as 80 percent of the causes of coughs and colds are viral infections.
Then, regarding giving herbs such as turmeric or meniran to treat children’s coughs and colds, Bambang allows it, as long as parents know the dosage and type of herbs given to children.
This news was published on with the title: Nebulization is not beneficial for colds
Editor: M Fikri Setiawan
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Megapolitan 2023
2023-10-23 11:39:54
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