ANNPafter the debate, the four party leaders will discuss with students
NOS Nieuws•gisteren, 22:59
The leader of New Social Contract (NSC) Pieter Omtzigt does not yet want to say with which parties he might want to form a cabinet. At the College Tour Election Debate where the party leaders of VVD, GroenLinks/PvdA and BBB were also invited, Omtzigt did not want to express a preference. “I am related to all three, but I would rather not give up a preferred coalition.”
The new NSC party is high in the polls and one of the questioners in the room at the Vrije Universiteit wanted to know what kind of cabinet there will be if Omtzigt manages to cash in on those polls in the House of Representatives elections on November 22. “Will a cabinet with NSC have a left-progressive or a right-wing signature?” the student wanted to know.
“I will enter into a coalition with the parties with which I can best realize our ideas,” said Omtzigt, who insisted that it should be about the content. “And not about the dolls.” His party’s election manifesto will be presented next Tuesday.
After some insistence, Omtzigt said that he has the most affinity with Timmermans on the subject of ‘social security’ and with the VVD on migration.
VVD leader Yesilgöz also did not give a clear answer about her preferred coalition. “I especially don’t want to make watery compromises,” she said. She has previously indicated that she will no longer rule out a coalition with the PVV, something her predecessor Rutte did for years.
BBB leader Van der Plas said he became a bit despondent from the answers. “If there is so much bullshit, I don’t feel like it anymore.” And then briefly indicate: “I want to be with Pieter.” Timmermans reiterated his position that his party mainly wants the VVD to go into opposition. “After so many years of government, it is good to get on a different track and sit on the bench for a while.”
At the beginning of the debate, a question was asked about the party leaders’ views on the war between Israel and Hamas:
Student at Collegetour asks about the situation in Gaza during the first debate
Students also asked questions about, among other things, nuclear energy, the shortage of student housing and the rising interest rates for students from the loan system. GroenLinks/PvdA wants to freeze the interest for the breakdown generation and is against nuclear energy. “It is not necessary, not feasible and not affordable,” says Timmermans, who also thinks the Netherlands is too small for it. The other three parties absolutely disagree with this.
2023-10-22 20:59:45
#Omtzigt #cautious #preferred #coalition #election #debate