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Women and Financial Education: Promoting Financial Security and Independence

From left to right: Moderator Birgit Brunsteiner, Christiane Feigl (Managing Director Women’s World), Elisabeth Cinatl (Turnpoint Association), Lena Gugenberger (Three Coins), Michaela Pfaffeneder (Amstetten Local Councilor), Anna Rosenberger (Chairwoman Kfb NÖ), Women’s State Councilor Christiane Teschl- Hofmeister, Helga Seibezeder (Amstetten local councilor), Isabelle Stickler (chairwoman and executive board member of the non-profit building, housing and settlement cooperative Alpenland), Bettina Fuhrmann (head of the Institute for Business Education at the WU Vienna), member of the state parliament Silke Dammerer and Christian Unterkofler (chief from the World of Women Service)

Evening events at the Gießhübl Agricultural College

State Councilor Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister: Financial education for women ensures financial security and independence

Gießhübl.- The continuation of the series of events on the topic “Let’s talk about money” – women and finance” took place this week at the LFS Gießhübl. “The current series deals with financial education, because it is particularly important for women to think about their professional and family life plans at a young age. Women are one of the population groups that are more often affected by poverty. Even though more and more men are taking time off work to have a family, it is predominantly women who take maternity leave and work part-time. This has an impact on careers and later financial security in old age,” said Women’s State Councilor Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister.

In a mixture of lectures and discussions, the around 150 people in the audience were provided with technical information, as well as tips and food for thought. In the talks, State Councilor Christiane Teschl-Hofmeister and Christiane Feigl, Managing Director of Welt der Frau Verlags GmbH, dealt with the topic. The experts Elisabeth Cinatl from the Turning Point Association and Lena Gugenberger from the social enterprise “Three Coins” provided insightful insights and professional tips. Isabella Stickler and Bettina Fuhrmann provided interesting insights into the topic of women and finance with their professional input. “Financial self-determination helps women to stay mentally healthy and to break away from violent relationships in a timely manner. Addressing the topic of money is an important first step. We want to encourage women to break down internal barriers and think more about their finances. This preoccupation with the topic of money strengthens women, allowing them to live their lives more confidently and independently,” says Elisabeth Cinatl from the Turning Point association.

Women face very unique challenges when it comes to money. We support you with low-threshold and real-life educational offers. Because: Financial education enables women to make better (financial) decisions, take things into their own hands and be more independent,” explained Lena Gugenberger from “Three coins”.

“There are always phases in a woman’s life in which she should make important decisions regarding finances, income and retirement planning. This starts with choosing a career. Women then have to decide whether and how much time they will work or look after their children. What is particularly important is how you plan for your pension. Nevertheless, many women do not deal with the topic. The MoneyHeroes project created tailor-made offers for women to improve their financial skills. Our goal is for women to work on their financial life planning themselves and with more self-confidence so that they can live until retirement without any money worries.” said the state councilor.

Several financial education formats were developed in the project, including the Money Messenger: In six weeks, valuable tips and tricks for better handling money are taught using short messages via WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram. You can register for Money Messenger online at www.frauundgeld.at/moneymessenger. The service runs until December 31, 2023. The series of events is organized by the Families and Generations Department of the State of Lower Austria in cooperation with the magazine “Welt der Frauen” and the Catholic women’s movement. The next event will take place on November 20th at the LBZ Edelhof in Zwettl. Information about the Money Heroines project: www.frauundgeld.at .

The evening was moderated by Birgit Brunsteiner and Christoph Unterkofler. The “Quetschwork Family” provided entertainment and musical accompaniment.

Photo Copyright: Richard Marschik


2023-10-21 22:15:01
#Lets #talk #money #women #finance #stadtlandzeitung

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