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What Comes Next for Gaza: Three Possible Scenarios

Izraelská armáda se připravuje⁣ na pozemní operaci v Gaze s cílem definitivně zničit⁣ hnutí Hamas. Tato akce vyvolává otázky ohledně budoucnosti Gazy a kdo ji bude vládnout po pádu Hamasu. Izraelský premiér Benjamin Netanjahu se zatím nevyjádřil k tomuto tématu, ale americká administrativa varuje, že⁢ bez strategie by se Izrael mohl stát zodpovědným za Gazu na dlouhou⁤ dobu.⁢ Izraelská armáda ⁢se může rozhodnout stáhnout se z Gazy a nechat její osud na Palestincích. Další možností⁣ je, že by se mohl chopit moci někdo ještě radikálnější než Hamas. Izrael však bude mít stále odpovědnost za Gazu podle mezinárodního práva. Třetí možností je, že by se Palestinská samospráva mohla vrátit k moci v Gaze. Oficiální palestinské vedení však není příliš oblíbeno a je‍ otázkou, jak by se⁢ tam prosadilo. Mezinárodní‌ společenství by mohlo pomoci s řízením Gazy po pádu Hamasu.Title: Israel Prepares​ for Ground Operation ⁤in Gaza as Hamas Rule Faces Uncertainty

Date: October 18, 2023

In a‌ recent report, two officials from the Israeli and American governments revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was questioned by⁣ US President Joe Biden‍ about his plans for Gaza. The officials stated⁢ that the Israeli army is preparing for a ground operation in Gaza with ⁤the aim of definitively destroying Hamas and freeing ‌the hundreds of hostages taken during⁢ the massacre on October 7.

Hamas has been governing the⁢ Palestinian territory along the Mediterranean Sea since 2006, following a bloody coup in 2007 that removed the influence of​ the moderate Fatah movement. Fatah⁤ now⁣ controls only the West Bank.

Netanyahu, however, did not provide a clear answer to Biden’s inquiry, stating that Israel does not currently have a strategy for post-Hamas Gaza and is⁣ focused on winning the war. Israeli Ambassador⁢ to the UN, Gilad Erdan,‌ emphasized the need to⁣ concentrate on the present conflict rather than the aftermath.

The⁤ Israeli government’s security advisor, Jacob‍ Nagel, ⁤expressed ‍a similar ⁢sentiment, stating‌ that the priority is to address the problem at hand and then decide on ⁢future actions. He stressed the need to think first and act ⁤later, highlighting the significant shift in the rules of engagement following the⁤ events of October 7.

However, unnamed ​officials from the‌ Biden administration warned against the lack of a clear ‌strategy for governing​ Gaza after Hamas. They cautioned that without a plan, Israel could inadvertently find itself in a prolonged occupation of the territory, despite not officially intending to do so. It is worth noting that Israeli troops and settlers ⁣withdrew from Gaza in 2005.

The Israeli government has stated that the status ‌of Gaza will be determined through discussions with Israeli politicians and other countries. Daniel Hag

1) What⁤ are the potential consequences of a power vacuum in Gaza after ⁣Hamas falls, and what measures‌ can‌ be taken to prevent a more radical‍ group ‌from⁤ seizing power?

Israel’s‌ military is preparing for a ground operation in⁤ Gaza with the aim of definitively destroying the Hamas movement. This action raises questions about the future of Gaza and who will govern it after Hamas falls. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not yet commented on this issue, but the US⁢ administration warns that without ​a ⁢strategy, Israel could⁢ be responsible for Gaza for⁢ a long time. The Israeli army may decide to withdraw‌ from Gaza and⁣ leave its fate in the hands of the Palestinians. Another possibility is that someone‌ even more ⁢radical than Hamas could seize power. However, Israel‍ will ‍still have a ‌responsibility for Gaza under international law. The third ⁣option is that the⁣ Palestinian Authority could⁣ regain power in Gaza. However, ‌the official Palestinian leadership is⁣ not very popular, and it is uncertain how it would be able to assert⁢ itself there. The international community could help manage Gaza after Hamas ⁤falls.

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