Title: Sergio Massa and Axel Kicillof Close Campaign with Unity and Lealtad at Arsenal Stadium
Date: October 17, 2023
On Tuesday, the closing campaign event for the re-election of the governor of Buenos Aires province and the presidential candidate of the ruling party, Sergio Massa, took place at the Arsenal de Sarandi stadium. The slogan for the event was “On the Day of Loyalty, we are all united,” in reference to the historic October 17th.
Massa and Kicillof took to the stage together, accompanied by Avellaneda’s mayor, Jorge Ferraresi, who is also seeking re-election. The Minister of Economy began his speech by acknowledging the effort and desire of the people, stating that on Sunday, no matter the cost, their dreams will come true. He emphasized that they are turning the tide of history and building the victory of Unión por la Patria from the province of Buenos Aires, the northern region, and Patagonia.
The main representatives of the ruling party criticized the opposition candidates, Javier Milei and Patricia Bullrich, and highlighted the contrast between UxP’s model of “development and production” and the other fronts’ model of “austerity.” The ruling party explicitly defended public universities and education.
The Minister of Economy pointed out that over a million Argentinians are no longer subject to income tax, despite Bullrich’s claims. He also pledged to assist Kicillof in combating insecurity in the province if he becomes president on December 10th.
Kicillof warned that the province of Buenos Aires cannot be saved alone and emphasized the need for a national project, stating that it cannot be achieved through violence or austerity measures. He criticized Milei and Bullrich for attacking the achievements of the working people and the national industry, accusing them of seeking to exterminate Peronism and social justice.
The event emphasized the unity of the ruling party and aimed to mobilize the support of mayors and the governor to boost Massa’s candidacy, who finished third in the primary elections. Kicillof declared that the event was a source of motivation for Massa’s presidential bid.
In the morning, Massa met with students from the National School of Buenos Aires to express his support for public education and urge young people to commit to a society with a fairer income distribution. On Wednesday, Massa will also participate in the closing campaign event for Leandro Santoro, the candidate for Chief of Government of Buenos Aires, which will take place at the Luna Park stadium.
For more information about the 2023 elections:
– Bullrich is catching up and relies on the institutional weight of Juntos por el Cambio.
– Massa aims for a spot in the runoff and then a “penalty shootout” with Milei.
- Milei is the favorite, and the libertarian movement is hopeful for a historic election.
– The definitive voter registry for the 2023 elections has been published.
– How is the President elected?
– How are national deputies elected?
What impact did the energetic atmosphere and enthusiastic supporters have on the overall message of unity and loyalty within the ruling party during the campaign event
Ity and neoliberal policies.” They emphasized the importance of unity and loyalty within the party and called on supporters to continue fighting for the people’s rights and for a more inclusive and equitable society.
Massa and Kicillof both expressed their gratitude to the crowd, acknowledging their support and commitment. They emphasized the need to continue working together and to stay united, as this unity is what will bring about the desired changes.
The closing campaign event was attended by thousands of supporters, who cheered and waved flags throughout the speeches. The energetic atmosphere showcased the enthusiasm and determination of the ruling party’s supporters, who are eager to secure another term for Massa and continue the progressive agenda they have been working towards.
Overall, the campaign event at the Arsenal de Sarandi stadium served as a powerful display of unity and loyalty within the ruling party. Massa and Kicillof, along with other party leaders, emphasized the importance of staying united and working towards a common goal. As the re-election day approaches, their message of unity and loyalty resonates with supporters and serves as a reminder of the changes they have already accomplished and the ones yet to come.