Home » Business » BCC Stores Close Early and Consider Hiring Security Guards Amidst Bankruptcy Sale Chaos

BCC Stores Close Early and Consider Hiring Security Guards Amidst Bankruptcy Sale Chaos

Several employees of the store chain reported this to RTL Z today.

Sold out

BCC has 57 physical stores with more than a thousand employees, and went bankrupt at the end of last month. The trustees initiated a bankruptcy sale to cash out the stocks. This already led to crowds in the stores last week, but not yet any problems.

However, yesterday the trustees sent one press release, in which the bankruptcy sale was once again explicitly drawn to attention. That attracted large numbers of customers. Many branches had queues outside the doors and huge crowds in the shops.


RTL Z saw videos and photos with long lines outside and hectic conditions inside. Employees who wish to remain anonymous say that customers ‘banged on the windows like gorillas’, ‘pulled show models off the walls’ and threatened staff. In at least one case there were even blows.

There would also sometimes have been an aggressive atmosphere between customers. “People don’t give each other the last bargain,” said an employee. “Such bargain hunters are a completely different audience than we normally get in the store,” says another.

Staff shortage

What also bothers BCC is that the temporary workers were said goodbye to after the bankruptcy. Permanent employees have also already left or reported sick. “Then you suddenly have only five colleagues in the store, but you have a hundred customers coming through the door. That is impossible,” said an employee.

Yesterday afternoon, more than ten of the 57 BCC stores decided to close early because the situation was unsafe for staff and customers. This morning, branch and regional managers took the decision to keep all stores closed. Only customers who call and want to pick up ordered items will reportedly be helped.

“Due to the extreme circumstances, we have decided to remain closed today,” said a placard at the Lelystad branch. “We cannot guarantee the safety of our staff due to the crowds.”

Security guards

BCC CEO Caspar Klinkhamer says he cannot comment on the situation because he is no longer responsible for policy. “The curators are now deciding. They have no longer assigned me any role, so you have come to the wrong place.” Curators Joris Lensink and Thijs Hekman have announced that they wish to make ‘no comment in the media’.

Sources tell RTL Z that the curators and management of BCC are currently working on a solution. For example, security staff may be hired to protect store employees.

The stores could then still open to sell out the rest of the stocks. But an opening is not planned for Thursday at the earliest.

2023-10-17 12:14:36
#Bankrupt #BCC #closes #branches #due #crowds #aggression #stores

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