Home » Health » Natural Ingredients for Male Fertility: Benefits of Javanese Chilies and Seahorse Extract

Natural Ingredients for Male Fertility: Benefits of Javanese Chilies and Seahorse Extract

KOMPAS.com – Infertility or a condition where a couple does not have children can be caused by disturbances or problems with male fertility.

This can be triggered by hormonal problems due to disturbances in the pituitary-hypothalamic-testicular axis in regulating gonadotropin hormone levels.

This condition affects sperm formation so that sperm production and testosterone hormone levels decrease. As a result, a fertility disorder called hypogonadism arises.

Fortunately, there are natural ingredients, namely Javanese chili extract and seahorses, which can be good for male fertility.

To find out more about the benefits of chilies and seahorses in treating fertility problems in men, see the following explanation.

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Benefits of chilies and seahorse extract in increasing male fertility

Professor of Medical Biology, University of Indonesia (UI) Prof. Dr. Drs. Yurnadi, M. Kes. explains that Javanese chilies and seahorse extract can be good for male fertility.

For your information, the Javanese chili plant or Piper retrofractum Vahl is widely used for treatment. The fruit of this plant is often used to treat flatulence and heartburn, stimulate appetite, and overcome weakness

In research conducted by Prof. Yurnadi using mice media, it was shown that giving Javanese chili extract can be good for male fertility because it increases testosterone hormone levels.

“Experimental research was carried out on mice induced with Depo Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA). “The mice were given Javanese chili extract,” said Prof. Yurnadi, quoted from the release received Kompas.comMonday (16/10/2023).

“As a result, Javanese chili extract can reduce sperm concentration and increase testosterone hormone levels, without affecting the hematological profile, blood chemistry and body weight of mice even though the experiment was carried out for 18 weeks. From these results it was found that Javanese chili can increase testosterone levels, is androgenic, and safe against prostate specific antigen (PSA),” added Yurnadi.

The chemical compounds contained in Javanese chilies have a stimulant effect on nerve cells. Therefore, by consuming Javanese chilies you can also experience various health benefits, including maintaining body stamina.

The chemical compounds contained in Javanese chilies are alkaloids, βsitosterol, terpenoids, saponins, resins (kavicin) and so on which can also improve blood circulation.

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Meanwhile, for natural ingredients for fauna, the seahorse Hippocampus comes L. has also been widely used as a traditional tonic by the community. Seahorse (Hippocampus comes L). has the highest yield value.

Apart from that, this type of seahorse has proximate powder content with high water and ash content. Hippocampus comes L. also contains alkaloid and triterpenoid active compounds; contains the amino acids Arginine, Glycine, Lysine, Alanine, and Proline, and contains steroid glycosides with molecular weights 240, 619, 717.

To see the effect of Hippocampus comes L. seahorse extract on increasing fertility, Prof. Yurnadi again used mice as an experimental medium.

It turns out that seahorse extract inserted into the bodies of mice can increase sperm concentration and quality (motility and viability), as well as increase levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone.

In addition, this material is able to increase the population and meiotic index of sex cells and reduce sex cell apoptosis, without affecting the hematological profile, blood chemistry and body weight of mice.

In in vitro research, administering Hippocampus comes L. seahorse extract in various doses can also increase sperm motility or ability to move or swim efficiently through the female reproductive system to meet and fertilize egg cells and sperm viability.

So, natural ingredients such as Javanese chilies and seahorse extract can be good for male fertility because they have chemical diversity that is superior to synthetic ingredients.

In addition, natural ingredients from plants and animals also contain secondary metabolites that provide pharmacological, therapeutic, antioxidant and antibacterial effects.

Read also: 16 Causes of Decreased Male Fertility

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2023-10-16 15:00:00
#Expert #Explains #Chili #Seahorses #Good #Mens #Fertility #Kompas.com

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