This year, the Hilders districts of Eckweisbach, Liebhards, Unterbernhards, Rupsroth and Dörmbach are offering a joint excursion for citizens aged 65 and over.
The destination of the trip is the beautiful baroque city of Würzburg. After arrival, participants visit the Würzburg Residence, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This is followed by lunch and then a boat trip across the Main from Würzburg to Veitshöchheim. There you have the opportunity to view the famous rococo garden.
Afterwards there will be a cozy get-together with coffee and cake before the bus passengers head back home.
The excursion will take place on October 26, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. Estimated arrival home is scheduled for 6 p.m.
The cost of the trip is 30 euros and includes the cost of the bus trip, entry to the residence, the cost of the boat trip and lunch in the “Alten Kranen” restaurant.
Of course, accompanying persons under the age of 65 are also invited to take part in the trip. However, the Hilders municipality’s subsidy of 15 euros still has to be paid additionally.
Registrations possible until October 22nd with the local mayors:
Eckweisbach: Andreas Blaha 06681/9673855
Liebhards: Peter Kling 06681/961818
Unterbernhards: Ottmar Seng 06684/805
Rupsroth: Claus Breitung 06681/1588
Dörmbach/Harbach: Lukas Kirsch 0151/64640905
#Register #Seniors #Scheppenbachtal #Würzburg