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Top Hair Products to Avoid: Insights from a Trichologist

Do you know that you should never buy these hair products? The trichologist reveals it: here are the most harmful ones.

Hair is the most precious thing we possess: long or short, straight or curly, whatever its nature, it is wonderful and perfect. Many times, with different hairstyles, they tend to be used as the best seduction weapon ever. For this reason, and for many others, they must absolutely be looked after in the best possible way and with suitable products.

Let’s see together what they are products thataccording to the trichologist, you should never buy because they tend to damage them. You will be surprised when you find out and avoid buying them. Ready?

Don’t buy these products: your hair could suffer serious consequences!

The hair care it is essential for the latter to be truly wonderful and incredible both in the eyes of others and to our touch (Let’s also see how to combat dryness). To make this happen, we use many products, recommended by TV advertisements or by the numerous fashion bloggers who now sponsor them on their social channels. So we go to the supermarket, trying to buy them before they go sold out. Very often, however, we find ourselves, due to our mistaken belief, buying products that are very bad for our hair. Let’s see what they are according to the trichologist.

Hair products not recommended by the trichologist (Biopianeta.it)

The products we are talking about are those that contain 2 in 1 or even 3 in 1. The latter have, in a single bottle:

restructuring cream

We know well that in this way we both save on the price, as buying 3 separate products of different sizes would cost us a fortune, and save on the purchase, as we have a single bottle in the shower, without having several . Despite this, it is very wrong to buy the latter! The reason is simple: each object has its specific function.

When we decide to wash our hair we first put the shampoo, which should be applied, with a little water, to the scalp and massaged to eliminate the dirt on our hair. Then, after rinsing thoroughly, eliminating any shampoo residue, we apply the conditioner only on the lengths so as not to weigh down the hair. And finally, once a month or every two weeks, we apply a restructuring cream that will nourish the hair and make it smooth.

What are the consequences of this shampoo? Well, they are different and are: itching, dryness, burning, poor hygiene and obstruction of the follicular ostia. In short, it’s better to avoid resorting to these useless tricks!

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2023-10-16 11:30:35
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