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The Impact of Swear Words in Everyday Spanish: Study Reveals Spanish Cities that Swear the Most

Although everyday Spanish has become less formal in recent decades, the use of swear words to express ourselves remains a controversial topic. Specifically, in Spain 48.63% claim to be offended by the use of swear words, as revealed by the study carried out by Preply, online language learning platform. That list of Spanish cities in which the most swear words are said per day is led by Santa Cruz de Tenerifewith 16 swear words a day.

The report analyzes the origins and uses of swear words in Spain, and responds to aspects such as the places and situations where the most swear words are said or those cases in which we avoid speaking badly.

According to the survey carried out, Spaniards say an average of 9 swear words a day, a figure lower than the average of other countries such as the United States (21), Poland (19), the United Kingdom (10) or Germany (10). For its part, in countries such as Italy (9) or Brazil (7), the average is equal to or lower than that of Spain.

The areas that say the most insults in Spain (and those that say the least)

To determine which areas swear the most in Spain, the study collected how frequently tacos are used daily in different areas of the country.

Thus, the results show that Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Granada and La Coruña-Oleiros-Aretixo are the Spanish territories that use the most tacos every day, with an average of 16, 13 and 12 swear words per day.

For its part, Las Palmas, Alicante-Elche and Valencia are the areas that use the least tacoswith 5 and 7 tacos.

Ranking of Spanish cities that swear the most

Santa Cruz de Tenerife (with 16 curse words per day) Granada (13) La Coruña – Oleiros- Arteixo (12) Oviedo – Gijón – Avilés (11) Murcia – Orihuela (11) Palma (10) Vigo (10) Barcelona (10) Madrid (9) Zaragoza (9) Valladolid (8) San Sebastián (8) Bilbao (8) Málaga (7) Seville (7) Cádiz (7) Valencia (7) Alicante – Elche (7) Las Palmas (5)

With friends, at home and in the car, the places where the most swear words are said

Meetings with friends (31.39%), being at home (31.15%) or in the car (16.59%).
%) are the places where Spaniards say the most tacos, according to the report carried out
out by Preply.

Furthermore, the study analyzes the situations in which Spaniards refrain from saying bad words.

The data collected reveals that the vast majority of respondents avoid using obscene language in front of children (68.54%), followed closely by those who prefer not to say swear words in front of the boss (68.22%). Thirdly, the data reveal that 59.89% of those surveyed avoid swearing in front of older people.

Friends, ourselves and our partners, in the crosshairs of our swearing

The study includes who are the main instigators of the use of swear words in Spain. In that sense, Preply data establishes that friends (35.11%), ourselves (21.68%) or our partners (14.08%) are the main instigators of the use of swear words.

Who swears in Spain

Likewise, the results show that men use swear words more frequently (10.41 times a day) than women (7.86 times a day).

On the other hand, younger generations have a greater tendency to swear: on average, Spaniards between 16 and 24 years old say about 11.64 swear words a day, compared to respondents over 55 years old, who use obscene words 4, 25 times a day.

“Preply is a digital platform that highlights the human component behind learning any language. As the study data reflects, swearing is common throughout the world and it is essential that, whether you tolerate swearing or not, we keep in mind that these types of terms are part of the richness of a language’s vocabulary. With this study we want to emphasize the interest in understanding the use given to these types of terms and how citizens use them in Spain,” say the Preply experts.

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