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Warning Signs: How Diabetes Can Affect Your Ears

05:13 PM Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Consulto

Problems that occur with the ears should not be tolerated, because they may be a warning sign of some serious diseases, such as diabetes.

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In the following report, Al-Consulto reviews the symptoms of diabetes in the ear, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Diabetes Association.

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Symptoms of diabetes in the ear

Hearing loss may indicate diabetes, because high blood sugar may damage nerves and small blood vessels in the inner ear, which increases the risk of deafness in the late stages of the disease.

In some studies, researchers found that hearing loss is more than 30% common in people with diabetes compared to people who do not suffer from it at the same age.

Diabetes-related hearing loss is not only caused by high blood sugar, but it can also result from low glucose, because it negatively affects the transmission of nerve signals from the inner ear to the brain.

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Signs of hearing loss resulting from diabetes are:

– Asking others to repeat themselves.

– Difficulty following conversations that involve more than two people.

– Believing that others whisper words.

– Inability to hear others in noisy places.

– Speaking out loud.

– Turn up the TV or radio loudly for others.

It is difficult to infer diabetes from hearing loss in the elderly, because with age the ear’s ability to hear sounds clearly declines, which makes some people believe that it is normal and nothing to worry about.

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Tips for diabetics to maintain their ears

– Maintaining blood sugar balance.

– Ear examination, especially hearing aid, on an annual basis.

– Avoid causes of hearing loss, such as continuous exposure to loud noise.

– Inquire from the treating physician about medications that may negatively affect hearing and their healthy alternatives.

2023-10-15 14:17:03

#Symptoms #diabetes #ear

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