Lar Credit cards Not only are they a useful tool for acquiring goods and services, they can provide you with certain benefits when using it as a payment method. However, if you do not learn to use them responsibly, It can have a negative effect on your finances and economy.
In this way, in the magazine Protect your Money of the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef), an article was published on how to cancel a credit card correctly. Thus, in this note, we tell you how to carry out this process, according to the information provided by this organization.
Why should I cancel my credit card?
First of all, you must know how to recognize under what circumstances you have to cancel this plasticFor this reason, Condusef lists the following assumptions under which you should make a cancellation.
High interest rate
When the interest rate payable every time you make a purchase It is high or it does not fit your finances.
High annuity
This It’s a commission which is charged annually for using the credit cards of certain banks and, sometimes, they tend to be very high sums.
Keep better control of expenses
Condusef recommends only have two credit cards in your name, to make it easier to keep your finances in order, so if you exceed this number, you should consider canceling extra credit cards.
Credit line increase
If you are granted an increase in your credit line, it is the best time to cancel your card, as you will do so with the lowest line of credit.
Replacement or loss
In this case, as soon as you file a report for losing or replacing the credit card, the cancellation will be made. automatically.
How can I cancel my credit card?
So you can cancel your credit card and don’t have any problem In the process, you must comply with the steps and requirements presented below:
- The card must be zeroed: There should not be any movement in favor or charge against the card.
- Cancel direct debits or cancel before charging for direct debit services; If there are pending charges, the bank account cannot be deregistered.
- Communicate the decision to cancel the card to your bank or financial institution: you can do it by phone or at a branch and you must also be aware of the cancellation conditions.
- Deliver the plastic and fill out the required form: in some banks or institutions, they may ask you to deliver the plastic personally, but if you no longer have it, you only have to express it in writing.
By following each of these steps, the financial institution will not be able to deny you the cancellation of the credit card. In addition, Condusef also emphasizes that canceling credit cards It does not affect your score on the credit bureau.
How much do they charge you to cancel a credit card?
This procedure It is completely freeso the bank or financial institution cannot charge you any type of commission for the cancellation.
2023-10-13 23:23:25
#Credit #card #cancel