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Exploring the Shared Responsibility of Missionary Mission at the Synod of Bishops

Cardinal Hollerich, the general spokesman of this Synod of Bishops, introduced the theme of the third period of discussion at the eighth plenary session. Participants began to reflect on “the shared responsibility of missionary mission: how to share grace, share mission, and serve the gospel?”

(Vatican News Network) Cardinal Hollerich, general spokesman of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, introduced the topics discussed in the third period of this session at the eighth plenary session on the morning of October 13, saying: “Therefore, , our theme is missionary mission.”

The general spokesman emphasized that every member of the Church has received the call to missionary mission, and that missionary mission is closely connected with the theme of the previous period, that is, “communion”. The cardinal pointed out that the theme of mission “continues to emerge in the second period of work: communion does not close itself off, but is inspired to move towards the mission. At the same time, the purpose of mission is precisely communion amplitude”.

Cardinal Hollerich used the example of outreach work in the digital world to explain the concept of mission in the context of communion. The digital world is a new evangelization ground that needs to be evangelized by the people who live in it. This outlines the concept of “co-responsibility”: “All baptized persons are called and have the right to participate in the mission of the Church, to which all make an irreplaceable contribution.” This situation in the digital world also applies to the Church. Other areas of missionary work.

Then, Cardinal Hollerich briefly explained the five major topics to be discussed by the group. Each group will focus on one topic, namely: an in-depth exploration of the meaning of missionary mission; offices within the Church; the role of women; the relationship between the office of holy orders and the office received through baptism; and the office of the bishop.

Cardinal Hollerich concluded: “During this discussion period, several key points for our Synod will be touched upon. We must not rush into answers without taking into account all the aspects of these difficult issues.”

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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2023-10-13 14:20:45

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