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The Iron Barriers of Public Administration: Hindering Health, Education, and Employment in Honduras

The trio that we frequently refer to in the editorial column: health, education, employment, cannot break the iron barriers of public administration to enter with the necessary force and see real changes. In this tidal wave of expenses, not investment, more in comings than in comings, there are no changes in sight towards the well-being of all Hondurans in an environment of peace, justice and freedom.

Whichever way we look, the real pain, in human flesh and not political discourse, is more than evident in the increase in the exodus to the north, in the long lines at health centers and hospitals and in disasters in educational centers, still explained in natural phenomena. But in this last case we have another proof that education is found in the popular saying “not even God forbid.”

Now it turns out that for the provision of books and notebooks to students, next year’s budget includes less than one lempira, since for 1.7 million schoolchildren enrolled in the public system it allocates the amount of a little more than 1.6 million. Many years ago when people wrote with pen and ink there were more resources and even a library, even if it was with few copies, the schools had. All of this has been lost as if the promise, not delivery, of digital equipment replaced the lack of books. In previous editorials we have referred to plate and book as the two necessary allies to envision the real development of our society in the long term. It turns out that food on the plate is increasingly scarce, because household income, coming from low salaries or lack of work opportunities combined with the upward push in prices, make the three-course thing almost impossible.

Returning to education, children in the classroom have to share the books that, if there were for everyone, as it should be, could be used at home to do homework, to give continuity to school work with an incentive to find parental support. Lipidia in daily life integrates children into great social injustices.

And it cannot be said that there are no resources, that we are poor, that we live off the credits of cooperating countries and international organizations because each time the State coffers look like piñatas with personnel ready to take advantage of the candy. Every day we have examples of this waste despite the fact that official language is filled with complaints because “there is no money.”

Will the deputies notice that the budget allocates one lempira for books and notebooks? How good those millions paid without working would be for education! But that’s another story.

2023-10-13 12:49:16

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