The characteristics of the planet Saturn are that it has a polar diameter that reaches around 90 percent of its equatorial diameter. This is caused by two main factors, the first is low density and fast rotation. In addition, Saturn is the only planet in the Solar System that has a density lower than the density of water, which is about 30% lower. Although Saturn has a planetary core that is much denser than water, the planet only has a density of about 0.69 g/cm3. Meanwhile, the mass of Saturn itself is around 90 times the mass of Earth.
2. Has 150 Moons and Smaller Moonlets
Saturn is surrounded by more than 150 moons or natural satellites. Some of these are very large moons, such as Titan and Rhea, while others are smaller moonlets. Of particular interest is the moon Enceladus, which appears to have an ocean of water beneath its frozen surface. Titan is one of the most interesting moons, as it has a nitrogen-rich atmosphere and a surface full of lakes of liquid methane, as well as a landscape covered in layers of nitrogen ice.
3. The surface of Saturn cannot be carried
As a gas giant planet, Saturn is very different from Earth. The planet is composed mostly of gas, mainly helium, which is also the main component in balloons. Besides helium, hydrogen also dominates the planet’s composition, along with trace amounts of methane. Saturn is one of the least dense planets in the Solar System. Its density is so low, that if you had a container large enough to hold the planet, Saturn would float.
4. Hydrogen Gas Giant
Although Saturn is often referred to as a “gas giant” because hydrogen and helium are its main constituents, the planet is thought to have a solid core at its center. Saturn’s physical shape resembles an oblate spheroid, which means that its shape is slightly compressed along the axis from pole to pole. This creates a bulge at the planet’s equator, and occurs due to Saturn’s rotation. Saturn’s equatorial radius is about 60,268 km, almost 10% greater than the radius at its poles, which is about 54,364 km.
5. Saturn’s Rich Atmosphere
Saturn’s atmosphere contains mostly hydrogen, about 96.3% of the molecules present, and 3.25% helium. Although the amount of helium is quite high, it is much lower compared to the amount of helium that is abundant in the Sun. The total mass of elements heavier than helium on Saturn is estimated to be about 19–31 times the mass of Earth, and most of this mass is concentrated in the planet’s core. In Saturn’s atmosphere, there are traces of ammonia, acetylene, ethane, propane, phosphine and methane.
2023-10-13 06:05:12
#Unique #Interesting #Characteristics #Planet #Saturn #Largest #Solar #System