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The Impact of War on Thai Workers in Israel


Among foreigners, Thai people are particularly affected.

Some returned home safely today (12th), but more than 20 people have already died.

It is second only to the United States.

Bangkok correspondent Jeong Yun-seop tells us what the reason is.


Thai workers in Israel, who finally returned to their homeland, calmly testify about the situation at the time, with expressions of relief on their faces.

[끄랏차꼰 풋타손/태국인 노동자 : “무릎에 총을 맞았습니다. 돌 같은 것에 맞은 줄 알고 맞은 부위를 쳐다봤습니다.”]

Forty-one people who were the first to return home from the nightmarish battlefield were embraced by their families.

The airport where they returned was crowded with Thai media and foreign reporters, including us, from early in the morning.

This means that there is great concern and interest in the Thai people, who sacrificed especially heavily in this war.

A total of 21 Thai deaths have been confirmed so far, with the second largest number of foreign victims after the United States.

My son was barely able to talk on the phone right after the war broke out, and that was the last time.

[누파 판사앗/사망자 어머니 : “아들이 ‘만약 내게 무슨 일이 생겨도, 어머니는 강해지셔야 해요’라고 말했어요. 그렇게 말하지 말라고 했죠.”]

There are 16 Thai hostages kidnapped by Hamas.

My son, who had lost contact with me, could only see a photo of a hostage with his hands tied at gunpoint.

[타왓차이 언깨우/피랍자 아버지 : “아무것도 할 수 없습니다. 내 아들이 납치됐다는 사실에 충격이 너무 큽니다. 어떤 말도 할 수 없습니다.”]

There are 30,000 Thais living in Israel.

Most of them were workers of collective farm kibbutzim, and the damage increased as the attacks were concentrated in this area.

They were young people who went abroad to earn money for their families.

[끄라부언 판사앗/사망자 아버지 : “정부가 내 아들의 유해를 가능한 한 빨리 송환해서, 우리 마을의 전통에 따라 장례를 치러주고 싶은 마음뿐입니다.”]

This is Jeong Yun-seop from KBS News in Bangkok.

Video Editing: Jeongyeon Choi/Data Research: Jongwon Moon

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#Desperate #escape #people #return #Korea #time.. #Thai #people #sacrifice
2023-10-12 12:18:00

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