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Release of 67-Year-Old Man in Marseille Baby Rape Case Highlights Challenges in Establishing the Truth

A 67-year-old man, initially suspected of having sexually assaulted his one-year-old granddaughter in Marseille, was released after 48 hours in police custody.

Marseille baby rape – CREDIT: VarActu

Case of alleged baby rape in Marseille

No charges were brought against him, following the witness’s change of heart and the absence of incriminating evidence.

Case details

The man was arrested last Sunday in Marseille, following accusations from a resident of the 4th arrondissement who claimed to have seen him commit an act of rape on her granddaughter in the middle of the street. After being taken into custody, the man was finally released without any charges being brought against him.

The witness retracts

According to the assistant prosecutor in charge of the family and juvenile division, the witness changed his version of the facts. Furthermore, no evidence, including scientific analyses, has been able to corroborate the accusations made against the sixty-year-old.

Investigation closed

The investigation, which was entrusted to the departmental security police, is now closed. The suspect spent 48 hours in police custody before being released due to lack of sufficient evidence to justify charges against him.

Implications and questions raised

This case raises important questions about the reliability of testimony and the potentially devastating impact of false accusations. It also highlights the challenges authorities face when it comes to establishing the truth in such sensitive and serious cases.

The release of the suspect in this sensitive case demonstrates the importance of a thorough and rigorous investigation, especially in cases where the accusations are this serious. It also recalls the need to treat each suspect as innocent until proven guilty, in accordance with the principles of justice.

2023-10-12 13:14:20
#Suspicions #rape #baby #Marseille #67yearold #suspect #released #charge

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