– For those who like to observe the night sky, today (10/10/2023) the night sky will be decorated with the astronomical phenomenon of the South Taurid meteor shower and the Draconid meteor shower.
Launching from the Langit Selatan page, the South Taurid meteor shower comes from dust grains from Asteroid 2004 TG10 and the remaining dust from Comet 2P Encke.
This phenomenon is known to last from September 28 to December 2 and never produces more than 5 meteors per hour.
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What’s interesting about this meteor shower is that its appearance is rich in fireballs so it will be seen quite clearly in the night sky.
The peak of the Taurid meteor shower will appear to come from the constellation Taurus and will take place on October 10. At its peak, there are only 5 meteors per hour with a speed of only 28 km/second.
The Taurid meteor shower can be observed after sunset when the constellation Taurus also rises in the east at 19:04 WIB until just before dawn when this constellation will set in the west. The new moon rises at 02:30 WIB.
Apart from the South Taurid meteor shower, tonight the Draconid meteor shower will also take place, which took place from October 6 – 10.
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The peak occurred on October 9 with a rate of 10 meteors per hour.
The Draconid meteor shower originates from the remaining dust from comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner. This meteor shower can be enjoyed after sunset until the Draco constellation sets at 21:32 WIB.
It is quite difficult to find this constellation because its position is quite low on the horizon. The new moon rises at 01:47 WIB so look for an observation location that is free of light pollution to hunt for Draconid meteors.
Editor: Dede Imran
2023-10-10 05:00:00
#Southern #Taurid #Draconid #Meteor #Showers #Decorate #Sky #Tonight #Sukabumi #Update