Home » Business » Castilla-La Mancha’s Awareness Campaign for Bone Marrow Donation Gains 420 New Donors in September

Castilla-La Mancha’s Awareness Campaign for Bone Marrow Donation Gains 420 New Donors in September

The general director of Hospitals of the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha, Óscar Talavera Encinas, who has encouraged the youth population to become bone marrow donors, has highlighted the awareness campaign that is being developed in Castilla-La Mancha, which It has obtained 420 new donors in the month of September.

“This altruistic gesture can save the lives of many people who at any time may need a transplant,” said Talavera Encinas, who this Monday visited the promotional bus for the ‘Match Tour’ campaign. A tour for love, love for life’, promoted by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Josep Carreras Foundation, which has been joined by the regional government to promote bone marrow donation.

As reported by the regional Executive in a press release, the promotional bus will be on the Toledo Weapons Factory Campus from 12:00 to 16:00 offering information to students of the University of Castilla-La Mancha about bone marrow donation. I mean. The campaign seeks to promote the registration of new donors between 18 and 40 years old, especially men, and reach 500,000 donors registered in REDMO, the objective of the National Bone Marrow Plan (PNMO).

In addition to the awareness campaign of the Ministry of Health, the general director of Hospitals has reported that the Regional Transplant Coordination is carrying out a series of activities throughout the Autonomous Community, which are carried out from specific donation points in universities, firefighters and civil guard, even in sports centers and gyms, in order to raise awareness among the population about bone marrow donation.

“Thanks to these actions, which have been carried out since last August 29 and to the solidarity and generosity of the people of Castile-La Mancha, this September 420 new bone marrow donors have been obtained. But in addition, we must thank the work of all the professionals involved in the donation, without whose work these figures would not be possible,” said Oscar Talavera.

According to data collected by the Autonomous Transplant Coordination Unit between the months of January and September of this year, a total of 933 new donors have been incorporated into the Spanish Registry of Bone Marrow Donors.

BONE MARROW DONATION. The regional government indicates that a bone marrow donation is relatively simple and, in many cases, it is the only therapeutic option and a chance for life, since some diseases are a consequence of excessive, insufficient or abnormal production of a certain type of cells. derived from the stem cell. Successful bone marrow transplant allows for a cure by replacing the defective cells with normal ones from a healthy donor.

To donate marrow you must be between 18 and 40 years of age, have a blood draw and be in the Bone Marrow Donor Registry (REDMO), which has been in operation since 1991. Before transplanting, it is checked that the donor’s cells and the recipient are compatible and, only in this case, the potential donor is contacted to undergo the extraction in a hospital with adequate guarantees.

The bone marrow is a spongy tissue found inside the bones and is essential for life, since it is where stem cells (also called hematopoietic progenitors capable of producing all blood cells) nest.

Stem cells can be obtained from bone marrow, circulating blood (or peripheral blood), blood contained in the umbilical cord at the time of delivery and direct bone marrow puncture. Therefore, transplants can be peripheral blood bone marrow or cord blood and, when talking about transplants in general, the term hematopoietic stem cell transplant is used.

Information related to bone marrow donation can be found at the link containing the donor guide, the most frequently asked questions regarding the process, as well as the application and informed consent model.

2023-10-09 17:28:09
#CastillaLa #Mancha #calls #youth #population #donate #bone #marrow

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