Home » Health » Preventing Dengue Fever: Jumantik Cadres Monitor Mosquito Larvae in Gisting District, Tanggamus

Preventing Dengue Fever: Jumantik Cadres Monitor Mosquito Larvae in Gisting District, Tanggamus

Tribunlampung.co.id, Tanggamus – The Gisting Community Health Center forms jumantik cadres in each community area.

Merita, as the DBD Program Holder at the Gisting Community Health Center, said that jumantik cadres are tasked with monitoring the spread of mosquito larvae in their respective areas.

These jumantik cadres will independently check mosquito larvae in their area every week.

“Furthermore, the results of the examination are reported to the respective community health centers,” said Merita, Monday (9/10/2023).

Merita explained that dengue fever cases in Gisting District, Tanggamus, Lampung were influenced by weather factors.

When the rainy season has entered, dengue cases usually increase.

“When the rainy season enters, dengue fever cases usually increase. But recently, due to the dry season, there were no cases,” he said.

His party has also taken precautions to reduce the number of dengue fever in Gisting District.

This prevention is carried out by carrying out epidemiology in the Gisting environment.

Not only that, his party also went directly to the field where there were dengue fever cases in Gisting District.

“We always go to the field every time there is a dengue fever case in the community to immediately eradicate mosquito larvae,” he said.

Apart from that, his party also invited the public to eradicate mosquito nests in their respective home environments.

Not only that, sometimes Pekon ambulances also go around to provide information on dengue prevention in the community.

In this way, the public can receive education on eradicating mosquito nests to avoid dengue fever.

Source: Lampung Tribune

2023-10-09 09:21:42
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