Home » News » “There used to be so many” – or they were also “harvested” in Mezőkomárom (video, gallery)

“There used to be so many” – or they were also “harvested” in Mezőkomárom (video, gallery)

The first stop of the musical procession was the neighboring settlement center at Hídvégi, where the students of the Sióparti Kindergarten in Mezőkomáromi literally “performed” hand in hand with parents, grandparents, relatives and friends. Or they recited rhymes, sang, danced, just as it should be at a vintage celebration. Of course, the joint “party” was not left out: Vanessza Fuzik assumed the role of the judge and Lajos Körmendi showed how to go to the party.

“There used to be so many people,” Péter Köő, the mayor of Mezőkomárom, approached the reporter while offering the participants the brandy he had brought. “There was a year when we could barely fill the cars, and now they are all full,” he said enthusiastically. And we countered: not only the number of marchers, but also the number of interested people is very good! After all, at every station and even in front of the houses, people or even families stood to see the colorful and loud line. It’s worth getting out a little!

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