Home » News » Controversy at the Artisanales de Chartres: Mayor Leaves Inauguration Over Minister’s Presence

Controversy at the Artisanales de Chartres: Mayor Leaves Inauguration Over Minister’s Presence

Jean-Pierre Gorges, mayor of Chartres, only stayed on site for a few minutes, before learning of the arrival of Philippe Vigier, Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories and former deputy for the Châteaudun constituency, for the inauguration of this 29th edition of Artisanales, this Friday October 6.

In a letter addressed to Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, Minister responsible for Philippe Vigier, Jean-Pierre Gorges expresses his feelings.

Let’s go for the 29th edition of the Artisanales de Chartres, at Chartrexpo

“Philippe Vigier deemed this inauguration more urgent than the crises afflicting our overseas territories […]. Faced with the indignity of Philippe Vigier’s unexpected presence at the Artisanales de Chartres, I made the decision to immediately leave the show,” writes Jean-Pierre Gorges.

Referring to the water crisis that Mayotte is currently experiencing, the mayor of Chartres adds that “the facts are there and cannot be denied or minimized by gastronomic escapades in the metropolis”.

premium The 29th edition of the Artisanales de Chartres celebrates the values ​​of the Ovalie this weekend

For his part, Philippe Vigier, who remained brief, said he was “surprised by such aggressiveness”. “I don’t go where I’m not invited and I was invited, as usual, by Michel Cibois [1er vice-président de la Chambre de métiers et de l’artisanat Centre-Val de Loire, chargé des Artisanales de Chartres, NDLR], notably. I am in Eure-et-Loir, my chosen territory. And, as Harold Huwart, vice-president of the Centre-Val de Loire Region, recalled, this must be the fifteenth time that I have gone to Les Artisanales. My presence is therefore not impromptu, but habitual.”

Laura Alliche

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