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How Vitamin C Can Help Relieve Headaches and Migraines

Vitamin C helps overcome weather dependence.

If not drugs, then…

As you know, headaches cannot be tolerated. All doctors and scientists talk about this. It is much more effective to take a proven drug and calmly continue working or resting than to endure pain, irritation and anxiety for hours.

However, there are many people who are sure that taking medications will disrupt the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs. That’s why they bravely endure the pain.

Nutritionist Oleg Kapnin told how you can save yourself from migraines without going to the pharmacy.

According to him, foods that contain a lot of vitamin C have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels (they are the ones who are “to blame” for headaches). It turns out that it not only miraculously strengthens the immune system and protects against flu and colds, but also increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

So, if you feel like your head is starting to hurt, you should eat:

bell pepper

cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, regular cabbage)


an orange or a couple of lemon slices

sea ​​buckthorn

These products are effective both as an independent remedy and as part of salads.

“But after heat treatment, the magical properties of the product (healing from migraines) will be lost, since heating destroys many beneficial substances,” the expert clarifies.

To help vitamin C

By the way, to make the pain and spasm go away faster, you can also replenish your reserves of B vitamins. They will help relieve nervous tension and muscle tension, and reduce stress. The best sources of B vitamins are legumes, turkey, hazelnuts, oatmeal, and buckwheat.

2023-10-06 17:25:02

#foods #easily #relieve #severe #headaches

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