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Nancy Karaboycheva Overcomes Injury Through Operation and Rehabilitation

Nancy Karaboycheva, who was part of the show “The Farm” and suffered an unpleasant accident during her participation, underwent a serious operation to fix her leg. This became clear from a post on her Facebook profile, in which it was described in detail exactly what the damage was to her leg and what interventions were made for her to be able to walk again, writes Actualno.com.

“And that passed. My operation was done 2 weeks ago. I’m recovering, but it will take a long time. I’m still on crutches, it’s been two months. In 20-30 days I’ll start to step on my feet a little bit.” Nancy begins her story, facing a long recovery.

In her post, Nancy details the damage to her leg and the nature of her surgery: “Final assessment of damage: torn ACL (reconstructed entirely from tendon from my hamstring), torn meniscus (stitched it), the broken bone and disorders of the lateral ligaments – the collateral one slightly, which should heal on its own, and the medial (internal) one more seriously, and we will watch her to see if she will fully recover. Which I hope very much to no further interventions are necessary.”

It is clear from Karaboycheva’s story that her situation is serious and it will take a lot of will and patience for the girl to be active and play sports again. “Recovery period: 9 months, after which I will be able to start living a more active lifestyle again. As I know myself well and work with a great rehabilitator, so I believe the period will be about 6 months, because we have achieved a lot even before the surgery itself. I can’t wait to go to the gym again, to play volleyball, but most of all to run with Mati and Yoni, or just go for a walk,” concludes the brave miska.

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2023-10-06 05:11:00
#operated #Nancy #Karaboycheva #accident #Farm

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