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Exploring Gender Differences in School Performance: Insights from Boys at Stovner VGS

ON VISIT: Henry Nana Gyasi Gyimah (17) got to show Minister of Education Tonje Brenna (Ap) the premises he is staying in at Stovner Videregående. Photo: Intisaar Ali / VG

STOVNER (VG) Many boys drop out of school, and do worse in subjects than girls. At Stovner VGS, the boys believe they may have the answer to why.


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At Stovner upper secondary school, the boys are not surprised by large gender differences in school performance, and think the school is too theoretical. Minister of Education Tonje Brenna (Ap) visited the school to hear the pupils’ opinions. Brenna is responsible for implementing the government’s education policy. Brenna recognizes that there are gender differences. and believes it is her responsibility to make the school a place suitable for all students. Show more

There are still large gender differences between boys and girls at all levels in the education system.

The boys studying carpentry at Stovner VGS are not surprised by this.

They know someone who has dropped out of school. They themselves have realized that school is too theoretical, and remember from their youth that they wanted it to be more practical.

– They say they can’t stand it, it’s boring, or they don’t have the energy for it, says Sebastian Avino Knihinicka (17), about the people he knows who have left school.

Henry Nana Gyasi Gyimah (17) believes there may be other and more serious reasons why some boys drop out of school.

– I think that one reason could be crime, perhaps. That they need money. That those who skip school may commit some criminal acts, he says.

– Why do you think young people will choose crime over education?

– Because it is very simple. You just have to go up to a person in the street and ask if you can work for them, and then you can make money. I think it can affect the school, he says.

THE SCHOOL: Henry Nana Gyasi Gyimah (17) and Sebastian Avino Knihinicka (17) both go to their mother’s school. They believe it is important to make the parents proud. Photo: Intisaar Ali / VG

Stovner VGS received a visit

On this day, the boys at the school were visited by Minister of Education Tonje Brenna (Ap). She is responsible for implementing the government’s policy for kindergartens, primary schools, upper secondary education and community colleges.

Brenna sees that there is a difference between the sexes.

– We know that the problems arise early. There are differences between boys and girls already when they start school, and year by year the difference between the sexes increases, she says.

– My responsibility is to make the school a place that is suitable for all students, she says.

This day she is at Stovner VGS to get tips and advice from those concerned. How can school become a more attractive place for boys?

– I’ve never liked school, because I don’t like just sitting still. I like to do things, that’s why I chose construction, because I like to do things, says Knihinicka (17).

Someone who recognizes that school was difficult, and who noticed it already at primary school, is Fredrik Landerud (18).

– When I went to primary school, I was really restless. I couldn’t keep up and nothing worked. I didn’t do school stuff and stuff. I was just out playing and having fun. I think it was better than sitting at school, says the 18-year-old.

He believes that education at primary school should be more practical, as it is for him at VGS now.

THE CLASSROOM: For an hour, Education Minister Tonje Brenna heard the young people talk about their schooling and why they think boys drop out of school. Photo: Intisaar Ali / VG

The boys VG meet at Stovner VGS believes that making parents proud is a good reason to finish school.

– I go to school to get an education, and to make my mother proud. She would have been very angry if I didn’t go to school, says 17-year-old Gyimay.

– I go to school for my mother, if I don’t go to school, how will I earn money? I go to school for my future, says Knihinicka (17).

Landerud has worked hard to get friends to attend and finish school.

– I have had friends go to school and not stop.

What did you tell them?

– I told them that they benefited from going to school, and not just hanging out at home, says Landerud (18).

CARPENTER: Fredrik Landerud (18) showed off what he had done at school this week. Photo: Intisaar Ali / VG

I think there is a connection

Already in primary school, you can see a difference in performance between the sexes. Generally speaking, girls have higher scale points in the national tests, figures from Statistics Norway show.

Figures from Statistics Norway show that girls do better than boys in Norwegian schools. There are also the most girls who complete VGS in the normal time, compared to boys.

The Minister of Education believes that the way you experience school already in the first years can have something to say about how well you do at upper secondary school.

– I think this is closely connected with completion, says Brenna.

– And then I think that some of what the boys say, about motivation to get through school, is very, very important. Here we have to find good ways to work together between home, school and leisure activities.

She takes with her the input she has received from the boys at Stovner this day.

– They say the same as professionals and teachers and students elsewhere in the country have said to me. That we have to use both head and hands when we learn. If we manage to make the school a little more practical and varied, I think both boys and girls will benefit from it, she says.


Published: 06.10.23 at 04:09

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2023-10-06 02:09:25

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