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Do I Need the Original Driver’s License? Penalties for Not Carrying It

Drivers are required to carry a series of original documents, but the law gives them the right to present a copy to the police officer, in case of control, after certain documents.

The traffic code stipulates that all drivers are required to carry a series of documents.

Some may be copies of original documents. Or they can be presented electronically, on the mobile phone. But others must be on the drivers in the original.

Is it possible to drive with a copy of the driver’s license?

Drivers who do not have their original driver’s license with them and present a copy of their driver’s license to the policeman risk being fined.

Traffic participants are obliged to, at the request of the traffic policeman, hand over their identity document or, as the case may be, their driver’s license, registration or registration document of the vehicle they are driving“, establishes ART. 35 (2), from law 195/2002.

Therefore, because the law does not provide for either the “copy” or the “electronic version” option, drivers are obliged to have on them at all times and present the original to the police:

driver’s license identity card/passport/passport registration certificate

Only the compulsory RCA insurance can be presented in the form of a copy or in electronic format.

Why you need to have your driver’s license with you

The driver’s identity and all information about his driver’s license can be accessed by the police through the equipped communication station. But there may be cases where it does not work or the system cannot be accessed.

That is why the law obliges drivers to always carry these documents in their original form.

In addition, there are a number of sanctions that involve the withholding of the license plate or driver’s license. And obviously the investigating officer will not be able to retain a copy of these documents.

Penalties for drivers who do not have their license on them

Drivers who do not have their driver’s license on them can receive between 6 and 8 fine points. Which means a penalty between 870 and 1,160 lei.

It constitutes a contravention and is sanctioned with the fine provided for in class III of sanctions […] failure to comply with the driver’s obligation to have the documents provided for in art. 35 para. (2)”, it is stipulated in Art. 101 (18), of the traffic law.

You can receive the same fine if you only present a copy of your license, registration certificate or identity card.

2023-10-03 07:14:16
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