Sergiy Galyonkin, known as the creator of Steam Spy, announced that he is leaving Epic Games, the creator of Unreal Engine and Fortnite, which recently announced the layoff of more than 800 people.
At the moment, we don’t know if Galyonkin is part of the fired employees or if he leaves Epic of his own free will, but he says it’s not a good combination for the direction the company is taking.
After creating Steam Spy in 2015, Galyonkin was hired by Epic Games in 2016 to help the company’s ambitions for its digital store, created to compete with Valve’s Steam and launched in 2018.
Galyonkin shared that it was his last day at Epic Games and he lived eight exciting years, leaving a thank you to his former colleagues and Tim Sweeney, Epic’s executive director and one of the company’s founders.
Furthermore, he thanked the more than 144 million dollars donated by Epic Games to charitable organizations in Ukraine, highlighting how he was one of the first to make such a gesture.
— Sergiy Galyonkin (@galyonkin) October 2, 2023
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2023-10-02 18:55:47
#Steam #Spy #creator #leaves #Epic #Games