“Did you get the latest market pass?” he asked and before they could answer, he quickly canceled his question himself
Out of place and time, the prime minister continues to play with the kneeling woman accuracy society.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, meeting some women in Byron, as part of his tour with Nikos Hardaliarevealed that he has no idea what’s going on in the “outside world.”
While his women point out the difficulties they face because of accuracy that plagues Greek society, the prime minister pretends to understand them.
“I know, I know,” he says.
His next sentence, however, betrayed that he knows nothing, since asked them about a market pass that has not yet been paid for…
«Did you get the latest market pass?» he asks them and without having time to answerhimself hastens to cancel his question:
“You will take it! You will be paid in two weeks…».