Elena Molodkina
45 minutes ago
It’s easier to determine social status by looking at an emotionless face. Scientists have figured out how to recognize a person’s financial condition, and what needs to be done to look rich.
Scientists from Canada conducted a study in which they decided to check how the level of wealth of people is reflected on their face, and whether it is possible to tell from just one portrait of a person whether he is rich or poor.
The experiment consisted of the following: participants were given black and white photographs of emotionless faces of 80 women and men aged 18 to 35 years. Some of them have a huge bank account, others are ordinary hard workers who live from paycheck to paycheck.
With an accuracy of 68%, the subjects, just by looking at the photo, understood which group the person belonged to. According to Professor Nicholas Ruhl, the leader of the experiment, this is a high indicator for arguing that both poverty and wealth leave their mark on people’s faces.
But they could not answer which part of the face the participants guessed which group the person with the photo belonged to. They explained their choice only by the fact that wealthy people in general look happier, even without showing white-toothed smiles.
Then the scientists complicated the experiment by showing only the details of the portraits. The percentage of people guessing decreased, but most often wealth was now determined by the eyes and lips. And when participants were shown photos with strong emotions, there was more confusion. The conclusion drawn from the experiment is simple: only an emotionless person can tell the truth about social status. So, if you want to appear richer, don’t walk around with a lean face and smile more often.
Source: Researchgate.net
Photo source: Freepik ru.freepik.com
#written #face #poverty #reveals #person
2023-10-01 07:30:10