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Extended First Home Bonus for Young People: New Deadline and How to Apply

Three more months available for young people under 36 to access the subsidized mortgage on their first home. The measure introduced by the Draghi government was due to expire on 30 September, but was received by the Council of Ministers the extension until the end of 2023.

The new deadline

Those entitled to benefit from the relief will therefore be able to send the application by new deadline of 31 December 2023. The request must be presented to the banking institution that issues the loan, together with the ISEE declaration under 40 thousand euros per year.

The bank will therefore forward the request to Consap, the insurance company controlled by the Ministry of Economy that manages the fund, which in turn will communicate the outcome of the investigation of the guarantee within 20 days.

Since its introduction, the measure aimed at under 36s has met with great success: as reported by the MutuiOnline.it Observatory, between the second quarter of 2021 and the same period of 2022 the MutuiOnline.it Observatory recorded +26% of first home purchase mortgage requestswith +31% of requests from new owners under 36 years of age (here we reported the boom in applications from under 36s for subsidized mortgages for their first home).

What does the first home bonus consist of?

The first home bonus provides a loan with the Consap guarantee, on fixed rate mortgages which covers up to 80% of the principal amount, for loans of up to 250 thousand euros. Those who are eligible will be exempt from paying registration, mortgage and cadastral tax (here is QuiFinanza’s updated guide to requesting the first home bonus for those under 36).

The benefit is aimed at those who comply with the following requirements:

age under 36; you must not have received this benefit previously; the purchase must have occurred between May 26, 2021 and December 31, 2023; the home must not belong to the categories that identify luxury homes, therefore registered A/8 and A/9; the bonus only concerns the first home and you cannot own other properties, not even jointly with your spouse; the home must be located in the municipality of residence.

First home bonus, extended through 2023: how to apply

In order to submit the request for the first home bonus you need to log in to the Consap websitethe concessionaire of the Ministry of Economy and Finance which is responsible for ensuring subsidized loans, select on the category “Family and young people” (top right of the screen) and choose the “First home fund” option. Finally you need to scroll down to the item “To access the Fund with the 80% guarantee”.

At that point you have to download the appropriate form and fill it in in its entirety with the applicant’s personal data. Finally, the last step concerns your banking institution, which must in any case be included among those that guarantee coverage of the loan indicated on the Consap website: the interested party must go to the counter with the aforementioned form, an identity document and the ISEE declaration

2023-09-28 18:00:00
#Subsidized #home #mortgage #extension

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