Home » Health » Cholera and Dengue Fever Outbreak in Eastern Sudan Amid Violent Conflict

Cholera and Dengue Fever Outbreak in Eastern Sudan Amid Violent Conflict

An outbreak of cholera and dengue fever has been reported in eastern Sudan, where thousands of people are taking shelter as deadly fighting rages between the country’s army and the Rapid Support Forces, the United Nations World Health Organization said on Tuesday.

According to the World Health Organization, 162 suspected cases of cholera have been admitted to hospitals in Gedaref State and other areas along the border with Ethiopia.

The organization said that 80 cases had been confirmed, while 10 people had died from cholera, a bacterial infection linked to contaminated food or water.

Dengue fever outbreak in the East and Middle East

The states of eastern and central Sudan witnessed a widespread outbreak of dengue fever, resulting in hundreds of deaths and thousands of infections. According to the Sudan Doctors Syndicate.

The union said in a statement on Monday that the incidence of dengue fever had become so severe that it was difficult to determine the number of infected people. Pointing out that hospitals in the Gedaref region in eastern Sudan are overcrowded with patients, some of whom cannot even find a place to receive treatment, as public and private hospitals and treatment centers receive increasing numbers of new patients around the clock.

Media reports quoted the Federal Ministry of Health as saying that 15 people had died in Gezira State, which borders Khartoum. Meanwhile, community activists confirmed the death of about 80 people in the Gedaref region.

Sources told Sky News Arabia that the number of cases is likely to be much higher than the announced number. Because many patients face difficulties in conducting the necessary laboratory tests and resort directly to taking doses of malaria, which is widespread in Sudan and whose symptoms are somewhat similar to those of dengue fever.

Dengue fever is a viral disease; It is transmitted to humans through the bites of female mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti species. Infectious carrier.

2023-09-26 10:32:21

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