After the second season of the dark horse anime “Tokyo Swastika Avengers” adapted from the popular manga “Holy Night Finals” was released on Disney+, the male protagonist Budou Hanagaki originally thought that his destiny had been changed through time travel. After returning to 2005 again, the next year… The “Kanto Incident” broke out when the gang “Tianzhu” attacked “Tōshin”. The new situation that the members of Tōshin will face will also be revealed to the audience in the new season of “Tokyo Avengers: Tianzhu”. “Tokyo Avengers: Tianzhu” will be officially launched on Disney+ on October 4.
In addition to the release date of the latest season, “Tokyo Avengers: Tianzhu Chapter” also released a new key visual poster today, allowing the audience to get a sneak peek of the gang war that is about to break out in the third season. In the poster, Sano Manjiro (Mikey), who has become the president of Tosuga, and Isana Kurokawa, the chief of Tenzhu, are seen, making fans look forward to the tense and exciting battle between the two.
“Tokyo Hatsumi” is adapted from the best-selling manga by cartoonist Ken Wakui, and “Tokyo Avengers: Tianzhu” is a brand-new film directed by Koichi Hatsumi, produced by Japanese animation company LIDENFILMS, and sung by the popular Japanese punk group HEY-SMITH. Theme song “Say My Name”.
“Tokyo Avengers: Tianzhu” will be launched on Disney+ on October 4.