The Association of Insurers of Chile (AACH) indicated that, between January and July 2023, there was a 20% drop in insured automobiles stolen in the country.
According to the organization, in July of this year there were 1,106 vehicles stolen, implying a decrease of 0.7% compared to June.
However, the most notable decrease refers to the accumulated between January and July 2023 compared to the same period last year.
The AACH stated in this regard that this year there were 8,126 thefts of insured vehicles, 19.8% less than the 10,132 in 2022.
When analyzing the accumulated number of damaged cars in the last 12 months, the figures reported a slight decrease of 0.3% compared to the same period of the previous year, beginning to stop the increase that had been seen in recent years.
Marcelo Mosso, general manager of the AACH, pointed out that “the latest figures on insured car thefts are positive, they show that the increase seen in the last two years is slowing and they encourage us to continue working on prevention.” .
Among the most stolen car models in the month of July are: Mitsubishi L200, with 88 stolen vehicles (7.96%), Toyota Hilux, with 76 (6.87%) and Jeep Grand Cherokee, with 27 (2 .44%)
“Public-private efforts and the latest laws approved on vehicle theft will be very relevant to continue stopping this increase that still keeps us above the thefts that were recorded two years ago, in addition to the efforts of each of us. us,” Mosso said.