Home » Health » Advantages and Considerations of Kidney Transplantation for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Advantages and Considerations of Kidney Transplantation for Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) throughout the world continues to increase every year. From these cases, many patients have stated that their kidneys are at the eternalisis level or have had to undergo dialysis.

In dealing with chronic kidney disease that has entered chronic stage five or severe, there are only three options, namely:

Kidney transplant. Hemodialysis or dialysis. Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD).

In Indonesia, of these three therapies, the most frequently used and chosen by chronic kidney failure patients is hemodialysis. Apart from that, not many chronic kidney failure patients want to do the first option, namely kidney transplantation.

Various reasons make these patients reluctant to even think about it, such as costs and the process of finding a donor which is not easy.

However, according to internal medicine specialist consultant nephrologist Maruhum Bonar H. Marbun, chronic kidney patients are now starting to consider kidney transplantation.

“Currently, more and more PGK want to have kidney transplants because they have advantages that provide benefits,” said Maruhum in a kidney health education with PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia (Etana) and the Indonesian Dialysis Patient Community (KPCDI), quoted from a press statement, Wednesday ( 9/20/2023).

2023-09-20 12:00:26
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