“Responsibly receive vaccines to protect your daughters against the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is a cause of death from cervical cancer in women,” said the Secretary of Health in the state, Dr. Pepe Cruz, mentioning that Chiapas was benefited by the Federation with 200 thousand doses to immunize girls in the fifth and sixth grades of primary school, in the first year of secondary school and from 11 to 15 years old who are not in school who have not been able to get the vaccine in previous years.
In this regard, he mentioned that the federal Ministry of Health began the campaign “Mitigation of delay in the HPV vaccine” on September 11, which will culminate next December. In Chiapas, the goal is to apply 114,098 doses, while the rest of the vaccines will be applied in a coordinated manner between IMSS Ordinario, IMSS Bienestar, ISSSTE and Sedena.
For this reason, he urged fathers and mothers to go with their daughters to the health units, or with the consent signed through the schools, so that the girls can receive the vaccine against the coronavirus. human papilloma and are protected against this disease that occurs in the long or short term at the beginning of an active sexual life.
The HPV vaccine is a single dose and is applied intramuscularly (in the non-dominant arm), protecting minors from the four most aggressive serotypes of the human papillomavirus; It is also free, with a commercial value in the private initiative of three thousand pesos per dose.
2023-09-20 12:08:05
#HPV #vaccines #protect #girls