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Taking Care of Vilma: Lumir’s Decision to Bring His Mother Home

Not every decision has to be final. Maybe even Prokop will be convinced of this. His nerves rumbled and he gave Magda a wall. The sympathetic Soňa Čechová could persuade him. On the contrary, all the medical staff are very unsympathetic to Lumir, so he decides to take his mother home.

Vilma disappears before her eyes

The hospital environment does not suit Vilma at all. The woman who not so long ago was climbing the mountains is now a thin old woman with no mood and no interest in her family. It is clear not only to Vendulca, but also to Lumir that he must take action. Therefore, Lumir does not delay and decides to take his mother home. However, in order for him to properly take care of her, you need not only a reclining bed, but above all the consent of your Duckling. But there can be a problem with that. Everyone knows how unpleasant Vilma can be. But taking care of your own mom should come first, right?

Does Vendula backfire?

It is interesting that Vendula also backs down from her intention to take care of her grandmother at home, as Vilma’s impaired health does not let her sleep. Maybe it was just common sense telling her to warn her dad. They say it’s not just taking care of a sick person. At the same time, however, she promised him all possible help. That would be because they couldn’t take care of Vilma. The home environment and especially the constant presence of Lexik will definitely cheer her up.

The hand is in the sleeve and Soňa Čechová is at school

It would probably be stupid not to take someone as progressive as Soňa Čechová, played by Lucie Vondráčková, to the gymnasium. Magda is excited about her, Eddie too, the only one who had doubts was Prokop. But what has been Prokop’s taste lately? Almost nothing! And so Magda no longer worries about it and accepts Soňa, with whom she is already dating. Before that, however, he asks her about something intimate, namely why she left her previous school. Cechova doesn’t respond well to this at all, but apparently she was a thorn in the side of the others and they kicked her out of school as too active and uncomfortable. Well, just so Magda doesn’t get a draft at school.

With Sonia, Prokop will have a much stronger position

There are times in life when even your once-reasonable decision seems rushed. And maybe Prokop will deal with something similar. With the arrival of Sonia Čechová, it feels as if the school has gained a new goal. Everything seems sunnier. In Čechová, Prokop finds understanding for his zeal for the cause. At the same time, they are united in disapproving of Dvořák having his own keys. Just so that Magda doesn’t get a new girlfriend under Prokop’s nose. But that is probably not in danger, because Soňa Čechová is reportedly a married lady.

Magda is still just a director in the crowd

Magda also needs to realize one thing. She stood for the director’s chair just like Prokop. Although for the sake of the relationship, she might leave it to him. But Prokop didn’t care about the relationship, so why shouldn’t she be the director? However, it is not a permanent job, but only until Irena returns from her maternity leave. What will happen to Magda then? While Čechová, if she does well, will continue to be a deputy, Magda will again become a regular teacher. And this is perhaps what both need – to be professionally equal and to do work that they enjoy.

2023-09-19 22:00:00
#Today #Street #Prokop #finds #ally #school #Lumir #takes #command #mother

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