Jakarta –
Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) conveyed the results of the National Conference and Grand Conference recommendations, one of which was related to the land dispute issue in Rempang, Batam, Riau Islands (Kepri). There are 4 points that PBNU recommends regarding the situation in Rempang.
“First, our stance on the Rempang issue is that the use of security approaches and violence in disputes over people’s land must be stopped,” said the National Conference Recommendations Commission and NU Konbes, Ulil Abshar, during a press conference at the Haji Dormitory, Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, Tuesday (19 /9/2023).
Ulil said that economic growth and recommendations should not be achieved by violating the rights of ordinary people. According to him, welfare must be a consideration.
“Secondly, economic growth and increased investment must not be achieved by violating the rights of ordinary people. Development is only a means that is a human goal itself. Therefore, human benefit must be the main consideration,” he said.
PBNU also asked all parties to be calm in responding to the Rempang issue. The government, according to Ulil, must listen to the aspirations of the people.
“Third, encourage all parties to cooling down, both government and society. “And the government must listen to the aspirations of the people as well as possible so that investment interests do not sacrifice the little people,” he said.
Furthermore, he said that NU invited the people of Rempang to be patient and pray.
“Finally, we invite the people in Rempang to be patient and continue to pray to Allah so that the best solution can be reached and will bring benefits to all parties,” he added.
2023-09-19 09:10:10
#Rempang #issue #discussed #PBNU #National #Conference #recommended #points