Al-Shaima Ahmed Farouk
Published on: Sunday, September 17, 2023 – 4:50 PM | Last updated: Sunday, September 17, 2023 – 4:50 PM
Many people suffer from the problem of feeling worthless, whether at work, home, or in circles of friends. This topic is of interest to psychological specialists because it directly reflects on the psychological health of individuals and has a negative impact on the individual’s self-esteem.
Therefore, Dr. Susan Diggs White, Head of the Department of Counseling and Higher Education at Northern Illinois University, and a psychological counselor specializing in family relationships, advises a number of important things that people can help each other with, whether in the work environment, family, or friendship, to support mental health, through A report published in Psychology Today magazine states that these tips are also suitable for dealing with children to provide them with a sense of importance, through several points:
Emphasis of importance:
– Just send a text message to communicate with him and tell him that you care about him.
– Give them a sincere compliment that confirms their value to the larger group, whether it is the family or the company you work for.
Paying attention to them:
– Make time and provide space for them to share their thoughts and feelings.
– Notice them, acknowledge them, and engage in active listening with them.
– Make sure to reach out to them when they show up and tell them you’re happy to see them.
– Let them know that you noticed their absence and emphasize that this absence is influential.
Listen to them
– Ask them how they are doing and give them time to answer.
– Ask them about their ideas or views on issues or tasks you have in common.
Relying on them:
– Let them know what you need from them and acknowledge their efforts in providing it.
Relying on someone means that you trust them, so let the person know that you trust them by communicating and asking for help.
White explained why she chose these items specifically to support others feeling cared for by those around them. “When we talk about how to facilitate mental health, we often talk about the value of ensuring others feel that they belong, whether it’s about belonging in the workplace, schoolyard, or community,” she said. A sense of belonging can make a big difference in how you feel about the importance of your presence in life.”
She added, “If the individual feels that what he is doing is appreciated by the group in which he is present, and his contributions are seen as useful or desirable, positive evaluation can stimulate a sense of belonging in addition to an affirmation of importance, and here an important issue arises, which is the individual’s knowledge that His presence has value,” she explains, explaining that caring is the product of two distinct processes: feeling valued by others and feeling that you add value to the group.
She also said: “We feel important when others express their appreciation for what we offer and what we do. Belonging may mean that there is a place for us or that we are entitled to a place in a group, but what is most important is that others are grateful for our presence in that place. Belonging is not just knowledge.” That there is a place for me, but what is important is knowing that others need my presence.”
2023-09-17 13:50:49
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